Programmatic Audio Playbook

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Your guide to the power of programmatic audio

Imagine taking the streamlined efficiency of programmatic buying for visual media to reach wider audiences, in more places, at more times of day. That’s what audio can do for your next campaign—and our Programmatic Audio Playbook will show you how.

Programmatic audio offers the same global frequency management, trusted data sources, and the consistent measurement you want combined with the added benefits of more portable and convenient entertainment formats. From music to podcasts, digital audio allows advertisers to tap into the content audiences are passionate about in an intimate, authentic listening environment.

Here’s why it works:

  • Over 3 in 4 Americans listen to digital audio.1
  • Nearly 5 hours, that’s how long digital audio listeners tune in each day.2
  • 79% of audio consumption happens when visual media is unavailable.3

Here’s how it works with us

  • Top of the stack. We take a programmatic-first approach to our audio inventory.
  • On-target delivery. We offer targeting solutions based on first-party data, demographics, and contextual alignment.
  • Suitable for every brand. Digital audio is a brand safe environment with tools and strategies to ensure your ads play alongside suitable content.
  • Effective ad formats. We’re audio experts, so whether you have assets or need us to produce them, your ads will sound amazing.

Ready to supercharge your programmatic buy with the power of audio?

Talk to a SiriusXM Media sales representative and start reaching more listeners with targeted efficiency at scale.


  • 1. Edison Research, The Infinite Dial 2024
  • 2. Edison Research, Share of Ear, Q1 2024
  • 3. IAB, Digital Audio Buyer’s Guide

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